Acquiring the certification isn’t going to be an easy task, but if you have the expertise help of the COmpTIA Security+ SY0 501 Dumps offered at the ITCertDumps, you would be able to achieve it in a single attempt.
Sponsored by CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association), the Network+ certification is a mid-level certification that is designed for network technicians. This certification will ensure that your network technicians are competent in network design configuration, hardware setup, cabling, installation, and troubleshooting.
The main goal of this certification is to ensure that your network professionals have mastered the necessary skills required for professionals with over nine months of network support experience. What’s more, this certificate equips your employees with essential skills and knowledge on how to identify network security threats, and how to defend and secure your business network.
7 Benefits of Having a Secure Network
Technology has made the way we do business easier. However, technology has also led to the rise of cybercriminals. According to a recent survey by McAfee, cybercrimes have become more and more massive over the last few years. Additionally, breaches are now becoming more undetectable. Therefore, businesses that neglect their network security will suffer from financial loss, loss of vital information, and damage their reputation. Other reasons why you should secure your network include:
To become more competitive: Having an effective network security will give your business a competitive edge. Today, network security is important, especially in e-commerce and internet financial services arenas. Customers can only trust businesses with secure networks for services such as internet banking.
To protect your assets: This is the primary goal of securing network systems. Information is the lifeblood of your business and an important asset that you should protect by securing your computer and network systems. Your IT employees should be able to ensure safe access to confidential business data and client information.
Secure shared data: For your computer systems that are on a shared network, a skilled network professional with a Network+ certification will help secure the shared data and information. Such a professional will also create different levels of safety and security on specific computers that have greater access to vital data and information than others do.
To become compliant with ethical and regulatory requirements: It is the responsibility of your business to develop clear policies and procedures that address computer and network security and safety requirements. These policies and procedures are mandatory for all businesses and organizations that work on computer systems. The cost of not complying with these requirements can be significantly high in terms of fines and the time you’ll spend trying to follow up on a network security breach. However, protecting your company’s assets means that you’re protected from liability.
Protect your computer systems from harmful malware: Skilled network security professionals can help your business by effectively protecting your computer and network systems from harmful spyware and viruses. This means that you won’t have to always look out for newer and more expensive computer systems.
If you wish to make your career in network, the Certifications is considered to be the best certification, to jump-start your career. But gaining this certification isn’t considered to be that much easy. You have to go through lots and lots of study process unless you have the help of the CompTIA CTT+ TK0 202 Dumps offered at the ITCertDumps.
Eliminate loopholes on your website: If your business website or system is exposed to high levels of traffic, it can cause stability issues and create security loopholes to your network. A highly trained network professional will reduce the risk of attacks by performing ethical hacking. This will not only help identify all vulnerabilities but also create a better user experience.
Increase your business network performance: Investing in IT employee training in network security will reduce expenses in the long run. You will experience less downtime and fewer disasters, and this will boost your company’s profits.
CompTIA Network+ Certified Employees keep Networks Secure and Well Managed
According to IBM, the average cost a company incurs due to data breaches is nearly $4million and $150 for each sensitive record stolen. Keep in mind that data breaches are increasing every day and hackers are stealing over 20,000 sensitive records in each theft. This means that a single hack can lead to the closure of your business. To be on the safe side, invest in employee Network+ certification. Your certified employees will protect your business by:
Conduct through network assessments: In case your business network has never been assessed for security vulnerabilities, this is the first major step in securing your network. A network assessment will help identify security issues.
Set up WAFs (web application firewalls): Apart from your regular network firewall, you will need a web application firewall, especially if you use your website to maintain customer accounts or sell products online. WAFs protect vital customer data and restrict cross-site request forgery, cross-site scripting, and remote file intrusion among other vulnerabilities.
Keep servers updated: Just like other hardware and software, servers should be constantly updated with the latest security features and patches. Having an updated server can make the difference between a clean server and a hacked server.
Train Your Staff
Do you need employees trained in CompTIA Network+? If you want to help your IT team reach the next level, ITCertDumps could train your employees and help them prepare for the certification exam. Connect with ITCertDumps today for more information about how to get your workers Network+ Certified!
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