If you wish to make your career in network, the Certifications is considered to be the best certification, to jump-start your career. But gaining this certification isn’t considered to be that much easy. You have to go through lots and lots of study process unless you have the help of the Citrix CCP-V 1Y0-311 Dumps offered at the ITCertDumps.
There’s a saying that beginning is always the hardest part. And same goes for the preparation of Citrix certification. When you do not begin, everything will seem to be going tough for you, but once you start, you will come to know that it is not as tough as it seems to be.
Citrix Certification Preparation Guide
Preparing for Citrix Certification should begin with reading the guide for the same – Citrix Preparation Guide for the exam – earlier it was labeled as the Exam Enablement Guide. This preparation guide should be your constant mentor. It has everything one needs to know regarding the Citrix exam. It even includes the materials that you are required to study for the preparation.
Other things that are also required for succeeding in the exam are:
Availability of the training materials recommended in the guide
Relevant field experience about the products
Access to the Citrix Exam preparation guide (which is Free)
Contents of the Preparation Guide
The Citrix exam preparation guide for every certification is different. You should possess the guide relevant to the one that you are interested in giving. Further, every guide offers very critical information that you will require to be successful in the exams. The guide has information on skills measured, exam format, recommended resources for preparation and even the topics covered in the exam. The preparation guide needs to be reviewed in detail before giving the exam.
Other information available in the guide are:
Major Domains: The guide has percentage weight given on the major domains that are going to be covered in the exam. This will help the candidate to understand the areas that need to be focused on while studying.
Sample Questions: There are different types of questions, very similar to the one asked in the actual certification exam in this guide. It will help you know what to expect in the Citrix exam.
Required Experience: Every candidate requires a certain amount of hands-on experience to be successful in the exam.
Objectives: Objectives that are covered in the exam are the statements that describe how every topic that is identified to be included in the exam will be tested.
Preparatory Course: This is a list of all the recommended courses that you will need to take while preparing for the certification. It also includes the courses that are required to be completed for the certification.
Required Resources: The guide also contains the resources from where the questions in the exam are sourced. For instance, knowledge-based articles, forums, courseware manuals, publicly available materials and others.
Importance of Citrix Certification Preparation Guide
The process of becoming a networker isn’t considered for the faint-hearted. It requires lots of hard work and nice and trustworthy Citrix CCA-N 1Y0-240 Dumps, like that offered at the ITCertDumps, to clear this grueling exam.
The preparation guide for Citrix exam will act as your mentor for every query that you have. It will always be available at your disposal, and you will get all required information in this guide. Every question in the Citrix exam is written on an objective. Citrix offers the objective to every exam. With this, Citrix offers a very important tool that you will be requiring for studying for all probable questions that you might come across in the actual Citrix exam.
Further, the Citrix exam preparation guide has a list of preparatory courses which are recommended training that you need to take. There are several Citrix certified instructors who are experienced and qualified and are all set to prepare you for the Citrix exams. For the benefit of the candidates appearing for the Citrix Certification exam, a list of preparatory courses is given in the guide. These courses are training that is recommended to the candidates.
You can also take the advantage of getting help from qualified and experienced Citrix Certified Instructors. These instructors are available to prepare the candidates for any of the Citrix certification. If you think that you require any other help, then Citrix offers online training that you can take at your pace. This training is beneficial to those who are not able to attend the conventional training workshop due to lack of time or any other reason. You can also study the courseware manual on your own along with the administrator guides.
Development Process of the Citrix Exam
Every course and the related exam undergoes a careful development process for ensuring alignment. While designing the certification, the makers realized that along with training, real-world experience should also be required. This helps the candidates in administering the products. Although in real-world, candidates have access to materials and resources besides their brain, yet the skills and knowledge that are measured in the CCA (Citrix Certified Associates) certifications are those that are deemed by the experts as the minimum requirement for administering the products.
It is necessary that you go through the preparation guides for the XenDesktop and XenServer exams. This guide outlines the knowledge, abilities and also the skills required. All those who are re-attempting the exam need to go through to ensure success in CCA. The guide contains specific courses, Citrix knowledge based articles as well as the administrator guides that are used for developing the exam.
Questions in Citrix Exam
Citrix Certification exam might include one or more parts. Every part might contain a set of related competencies or even a peculiar item type. The exam is designed for assessing particular competencies that are associated with specific solutions. The most common types of the exams are multiple choice, simulation, drag and drop and decision tree. During the training, one should understand the way training is preparing him or her for the exam. Most of the questions on the exams are directly related to the content that is taught in the courses. Along with this, many questions are even based on the experience in the real-world.
Practice Labs
Practice labs are also an interesting concept. Herein, you can purchase practice time for self-studying and even attempt hands-on exercises without any burden or restrictions of creating your environment. You might also leverage the course materials in the student resource available online. It is provided along with the training that you bought. Whenever you decide to opt for training for an exam, you should compare the course content with that of the exam content. Course content refers to the topics that are covered in the course along with the preparatory recommendations sections in the course description. And exam content refers to the topics that are covered in the certification, mostly by referring to the Preparatory guide. This will help you decide if only training is enough for you to succeed in the exam.
Alternatives to study
At times, professionals are not able to devote time to studying for Citrix Certification Exam. For such candidates, there is an alternative to studying. They can opt for hands-on experience. It helps the candidates to pass an exam without any hassles. Further, the Citrix Preparation Guide is very easy to go through. It has made Citrix preparation quite smooth and fun. You will have to follow the Guide and understand what does it say and mean. This will give you greater chances to succeed in the upcoming Citrix Certification Exam. While training is important, hands-on experience is highly recommended by experts for the exam. You should have some experience on the products either in production, test or lab environments.
Cheating and Restrictions
Several candidates think of downloading the exam from any brain dump on the internet. There is a danger awaiting for such candidates. It is not only risky to do this but also deceiving. The Citrix team with a panel of security experts patrol the web on a regular basis. They are armed with advanced internet tools that can identify the cheaters instantly. Every suspect is investigated, and strict action will be taken against cheaters. Their certification results are annulled, and they might even be restricted from taking further Citrix Certification exam. Instead of going through all this, it is quite easy to study and pass the exam. Passing Citrix certification through such means is quite humiliating and self-deceiving. The Citrix team de-certifies the cheaters and also informs their employers.
Although no system is ever 100 percent protected, the ability for differentiating between typical network traffic as well as potentially harmful malware is considered crucial and provides the focus of this associate-level certification path. Also, if you wish to acquire this certification, you should gain the Citrix CCA-N 1Y0-230 Dumps, which are being offered at the ITCertDumps.